How to concern about personal privacy, efficiency

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132380


A company is involved in initial software. A new Director has made a unilateral decision to compel electronic monitoring and set up monitoring systems over a weekend. Video cameras were installed to monitor all activities including developer areas and toilets. All key-strokes will be recorded. While employees arrive for work on Monday morning they are told about new electronic monitoring system and that they have to sign a new code of conduct. As lead software engineer, you require to respond to the Director's decision to monitor designers.

Inscribe a response to Director about the new monitoring process that considers the relevant issues in electronic monitoring. You must justify your ideas and position regarding CIO's decision. Your report has to include-

A discussion of trend to use electronic monitoring to measure employee productivity;
Concerns about personal privacy, efficiency, and directorial culture.


Reference no: EM132380

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