How to compute the average force

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM133785


A 0.145-kg baseball pitched horizontally at 39 m/s strikes bat and is popped straight up to a height of 32 m. If contact time between the bat and ball is 2.45 ms, compute the average force [exerted by the bat on the ball] during contact. [Let the positive axis lie along the line from the batter to the pitcher, with batter at the origin.]


A 240-g block is pressed against a spring of force constant 1.45 kN/m until block compresses the spring 10.0 cm. The spring rests at the bottom of a ramp inclined at 60.0° to horizontal. Using energy considerations, decide how far up the incline the block moves from its original position before it stops under following conditions.

Reference no: EM133785

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