How to collect economic data, using economic indicators

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM133672972 , Length: word count:150

Managerial Economics

GUIDES Worksheet


In Assignment 1, you will learn how to collect economic data, using Economic Indicators that are readily available to consumers online. Economic Indicators are key statistics or metrics used to study the status of the overall economy, industry segments, and specific companies.

To help you learn how Economic Indicators work, JWMI has created a worksheet, called GUIDES, which will take you step by step through the process of collecting the data needed for Assignment 1.

You will use the worksheet provided to research key economic information about TWO countries: a target country that you select and your home country. The target country is a potential overseas location for your current company (or a company of interest) to expand its business.

In order to achieve this expansion, you will select ONE of the following strategies:
Entering into a new market in the target country; or
Increasing the size of an existing division located in the target country; or
Adding a new product or service to an existing division located in the target country.
For most students, your home country is the United States, but for international students, it is your country of residence. Exceptions are possible if you have a unique situation - contact your Professor.

Use your current company and its industry for context. If your company is not currently operating globally, imagine that it is considering entry into one of the markets below. It is your task to assess the economic conditions in relation to your company's unique profile and needs, so as to assess whether expansion into the potential overseas market makes sense for your business.

Choose ONE of the following countries as the target country for this assignment:

South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom

Download and save your GUIDES Worksheet in Week 1. Complete the entries in the required six sections of the GUIDES Worksheet during Weeks 2 and 3. As an optional exercise, feel free to add economic indicators that are relevant to your industry.
All the required data can be found on the Trading Economics and/or the other websites below:

All the required data can be found on the Trading Economics and/or the other websites below:
Access the Trading Economics website
Access the World Factbook website
Access the Federal Reserve (FRED) website

TIP: To locate Economic Indicators not found on the Trading Economics website main landing page, click the INDICATORS drop-down menu at the top of the page, to see the full list of available Indicators.

We recommend you divide up your work over the first 3 weeks of the course, as indicated below:

Download and save your GUIDES Worksheet:
Download and save your GUIDES Worksheet as an MS Word document
Use this format for your filename: LastName_FirstName_JWI515_GUIDES_Worksheet.docx
e.g. Doe_John_JWI515_ GUIDES_Worksheet.docx

Complete the following sections of the GUIDES Worksheet:
Section G (GDP & Growth)
Section U (Unemployment & Utilization)
Section I (Inflation & Interest rates)

Complete the following sections of the GUIDES Worksheet:
Section D (Debt & Deficits)
Section E (External balances & Exchange rates)
Section S (Savings & Investment)

Reference no: EM133672972

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