How to assess the patients learning needs

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133365869


How to assess the patient's learning needs using the steps outlined in Bastable (2023) pp.129-137.

Scenario 1:

You are to teach a 10-year-old boy who is blind and has recently obtained a left hand fracture to feed himself.

Scenario 2:

You are to teach self breast examination to a group of adult women in a Women's Health Clinic.

Scenario 3

"Before teaching can begin, the educator must find the time to first take a PEEK."

(Bastable, 2019, p.132)

Mr. Mousey is a 52-year-old retired fireman living in a residential care home due to an early diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. He has Type I diabetes, which has required him to receive insulin by injection daily since he was 30 years old. He uses a wheelchair to go around but remains an active member of the Baker Centre's elder group and chooses to do things for himself. He enjoys going to the movies and has recently earned a diploma in management through distance education. He requires daily blood sugar checks that he refuses to do on his own as he "does not like the sight of blood." This task is left for any available nursing aides.

While on his usual outing to Walmart, he complained of severe headaches, nausea and vomiting that resulted in the bus driver taking him to the emergency room at Stanton Territorial Hospital. He was then admitted to the Medicine Unit for observation and treatment.

You are the nursing student caring for this client for the next three days. You observe that he is alert, asking questions about his blood sugar and the food that he can eat. On assessment, you noted an open sore to his right hip, which he described as 'been there for 3 weeks now.' Without hesitating, he requests that you take his blood sugar as he wants to know what it is. He refuses the ordered food on his meal tray, requesting his usual 'can of coke, burger and fries.' You explain to him that he cannot have them as per the physician's order. He starts to write letters to the manager complaining about the 'poor food choices' offered and demands the manager do something about it.

Using Bastable (2023) pp. 139-149

  1. Is he ready to learn? Why or why not?
  2. Apply the PEEK model to Mr. Mousey's situation.

Reference no: EM133365869

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