How this story connects to social justice issue

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Reference no: EM133418972

Case Study: For this task you must work in pairs, so start by finding a partner. Remember your own childhood and your experience of playing. Tell a story to your partner about playing. Listen to a story from your partner about playing. You will be retelling your partner's story, so you may need to ask some questions to get all the details you want. Try out a retelling of your partner's story. Notice how when you tell the story, you have to choose how to present it. You are making choices about what to highlight. You are taking a particular point of view on the story.

Question: Next, think about how this story connects to social justice issue. Are there any aspects of the story that pick up on things that are fair or unfair? Is someone advantaged? Is someone disadvantage? Are there issues of race, culture, poverty, gender etc in this story? Are there issues of power? Who has power in this scenario? Who is there? Who is in control of the playing? Think about what else you might want to ask your partner so you can recast the story to highlight the social justice dimensions that can be found in it.

Reference no: EM133418972

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