How this phenomenon or issue topic is a part of popular

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Reference no: EM132189913

Cultural Analysis Term Paper:

For this research paper: using one of the theoretical approaches learned in this course, you will analyze a popular cultural topic related to gender or ethnicity (or the intersectionality of the two).

Your task will be to

1) explain how this phenomenon or issue topic is a part of popular culture;

2) explain its communication and sociological significance; and describe the causes and effects of popular culture in relation to your topic.

To do this, you should review a variety of literature (including a minimum of four scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles) on the topic. Links to some scholarly articles are in Canvas.

To do this, you should review a variety of literature (including a minimum of four scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles) on the topic. Links to some scholarly articles are below, or you can find your own.

In addition to utilizing the scholarly literature, you can use popular news sources so that you can compare and contrast the content of the popular sources to the scholarly sources. The Library website provides examples of both.

Format of the Paper:

I expect this paper to be approximately 800 words (excluding references page), typed and double-spaced, with a 12-point traditional font and standard 1-inch margins.

Papers must utilize APA style citations and references, and they must include in-text citations and a References list at the end (list only sources cited in the text of your essay). In other words, in-text citations must match sources in your References list.

Do not include a title page. Put topic at the beginning of paper.

Student names should appear in the page headings and page #s should appear in the footings.

Topic For Term Paper

Bad Girls: Representations of Race, sexuality gender of women in Popular Culture. My paper will be about how popular culture generates and articulates our understandings of

gender and sexuality and their intersections with race and class.

Reference no: EM132189913

Questions Cloud

High-context and low-context cultures : How is conflict during negotiations handled in high-context and low-context cultures?
Determine the areas that you would like to improve : Once a course or training module is developed in an LMS, it is important to see how the students or instructors are using the system.
Discuss how you approach purchasing and delivering : Discuss how you approach purchasing and delivering a gift for someone. How do you decide, and what affects your decision process?
What are the problems with using one allocation rate : If actual copies made are 4,800,000 what are the costs allocated to each department assuming the marketing department requested 2,500,000 copies.
How this phenomenon or issue topic is a part of popular : Explain its communication and sociological significance; and describe the causes and effects of popular culture in relation to your topic.
Verbal communication with topic of non-verbal communication : The irony is we are going to practice verbal communication with the topic of non-verbal communication.
Important metrics for managing digital marketing activities : Give an example of one of the most important metrics for managing digital marketing activities.
What strengths and limitations does each option offer : Discuss how you would address cultural considerations associated with your evaluation (e.g., in the choice of measures, in the data collection process).
Explain the types of ecommerce risks : Explain the types of ecommerce risks and threats with which this online retailer may have to contend. Discuss a minimum of 4 prevention techniques to minimize.


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