How things might be different for someone

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Reference no: EM133401439

Question: What makes up a person's identity--what makes you who you are? Are you fundamentally shaped by those around you--your family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances? Is it the institutions that have shaped you--schools, laws, religion, political parties? Perhaps it's your worldview that defines you as you--political ideology, education, upbringing? Maybe instead of being something external, what defines your identity is internal--your own original thoughts and perspectives; your experiences and feelings, your attitudes and personality, your values and commitments. Or maybe it's your biography, your narrative, your story--beginning with your birth (but perhaps we can go further back for historical context, we can narrow in on specific stories, or broaden out to consider cultural context), and we can tell the tale of your life. Your past and present, and the narrative arc of your future. For this reflection, I want you to reflect on the elements of your identity. What is most basic and important in defining you as you. Think about the kinds of elements that are significant, and consider how things might be different for someone who doesn't or can't build their identity the way you do yours.

Reference no: EM133401439

Questions Cloud

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Functions of the upper and lower respiratory tracts : Describe/draw the structures and functions of the upper and lower respiratory tracts and concepts of ventilation, diffusion, and pulmonary perfusion.
How things might be different for someone : elements that are significant, and consider how things might be different for someone who doesn't or can't build their identity the way you do yours
What are possible mechanisms : environment for several weeks will experience orthostatic hypotension and dizziness on return to Earth. What are possible mechanisms for this
What is the condition for the surplus labor in agricultural : what is the condition for the surplus labor in agricultural sector? What will be an indicator of exhausted surplus labor in agricultural sector?
Create a variable for those restaurants paying starting : There is no minimum wage forcing those restaurants to pay more in the second period but. there may be general wage growth.
Discuss ways those affected can avoid : Discuss ways those affected can avoid an endocrine disruptor. Act as a healthcare professional and educate them on ways to avoid it as well as give examples


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