How they promote themselves based on maslows hierarchy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697620 , Length: 4

Paper : Consumer Interview

Interview someone who is a member of an organization such as a gym, club, church, or organization. In your interview, seek out if and how Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs concepts are "in play" with your associates' choice of gym, club, church, or organization and their being involved there.

Separately, look at the organization (gyms, clubs, churches, etc) and describe if and how they promote themselves based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Just in case, if they don't, how should they promote themselves?

Paper length: 2-4 pages

Format: APA Format

Required References: 2-3

CB4 (5th ed.). Babin, Barry, & Harris, Eric. (2013). Mason, OH: Cengage/Southwestern.

Plus 1-2 additional reference.

Reference no: EM131697620

Questions Cloud

Effect of the decision on quarterly operating profit : Should the division process Delta further or sell it at split-off? What is the effect of the decision on quarterly operating profit?
How much net income did the partnership earn : If Matthew's capital account is credited for $2,000 as his share of the net income in a given period, how much net income did partnership earn in that period
Discuss how carbohydrates contributes to living organisms : Discuss how "carbohydrates" contributes to living organisms. What is the role of a carbohydrate in the body?
Write a five page paper where you create an original product : Write a 3-5 page paper where you create an original product. Describe your product and explain its use and purpose.
How they promote themselves based on maslows hierarchy : Describe if and how they promote themselves based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Determine each partner share of the current year : Ann Stolton and Susie Bright are partners in a business they started two years ago. Determine each partner's share of the current year's net income of $52,000
Describe the steps of aseptic technique : Describe the steps of aseptic technique when transferring culture to a plate.
Research the topic of recombinant dna : Research the topic of recombinant DNA. Answer the following in a comprehensive paragraph or two:
What methods are most popular ones in your area of research : What methods are the most popular ones in your area of research? In your view, what are the pros and cons of using quantitative methods?


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