How they contribute to crimes of the powerful

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133596349

Question: After completing the weekly readings, consider the following questions: What do you think would help stop crimes of the powerful now that you have read about all the issues involved in trying to control them? In your answer, be sure to discuss institutional and organizational mechanisms you think are most effective for reducing and controlling harmful organizational behavior by governments and business. This could include large scale political, economic, and cultural reforms, but also more specific reforms to policies, regulations, penalties and punishments (such as fines and fees, incarceration for key organizational decision makers, and corporate dissolution, like an organizational death penalty). (at least 200 words) Reflect on your own consumption practices surrounding purchases like food, clothes, electronics, transportation, travel, etc. and consider if and how they contribute to crimes of the powerful. Do you think individual level changes in consumption can result in widespread social change? Explain.

Reference no: EM133596349

Questions Cloud

How it relates to social issues in canada or globally : describe and provide an example of the Functional theory and how it relates to social issues in Canada or globally.
Describe and provide an example of the neo liberal theory : describe and provide an example of the neo liberal theory and how it relates to social issues in Canada or globally.
Provide a general overview of the informatics project : Provide a general overview of the informatics project. Analyze this example of safe practice within the framework of an informatics model.
Analyzing data and information that are meaningful : Drawing on self-inspiration rather than from others. Encouraging collaboration. Promoting an open exchange of ideas. Analyzing data and information
How they contribute to crimes of the powerful : how they contribute to crimes of the powerful. Do you think individual level changes in consumption can result in widespread social change?
Tesla stock price is the current market price : Tesla's stock price is the current market price at which one share of Tesla's stock is trading.
What did they learn from the case : Include dosage, frequency, length of time used, and reason for use. What did they learn from this case? What would they do differently?
What do you think would help stop crimes of the powerful : What do you think would help stop crimes of the powerful now that you have read about all the issues involved in trying to control them?
What are the top two threats and the top two opportunities : Think about your own organization - where you work (or a company you desire to research). What are the top two threats and the top two opportunities over


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