Reference no: EM133725167 , Length: Words Count:300
Study the doctrinal reading.
The purpose of your initial response is to consider the implications of a Christian theological perspective in relation to a Christian worldview and servant leadership.
You may find it helpful to (1) first identify the stated and implied biblical truths and (2) then describe how these truths are components of a Christian world view. (3) From this structure consider how such a Christian worldview may affect leadership choices.
READING: Chapter: Common Grace
How can God continue to give blessings to sinners who deserve only death - not only to those who will ultimately be saved, but also to millions who will never be saved, whose sins will never be forgiven?
The answer to these questions is that God bestows common grace. Common grace is defined by the grace of God by which he gives people innumerable blessing that are not part of salvation. What are the undeserved blessings that God gives to all people, both believers and unbelievers?
If we look at the world around us and contrast it with the fires of hell that the world deserves, we can immediately see abundant evidence of God's common grace in thousands of examples in everyday life. We can distinguish several specific categories in which this common grace is seen.
The earth does not produce only thorns and thistles (Gen. 3:18), or remain a parched desert, but by God's common grace it produces food and materials for clothing and shelter, often in great abundance and diversity. Jesus said, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matt. 5:44-45).
God's common grace in the intellectual realm is seen in the fact that all people have a knowledge of God: "Although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him" (Rom. 1:21). This means that there is a sense of God's existence and often a hunger to know God that he allows to remain in people's hearts, even though it often results in many differing man-made religions.
Even in the realm of human religions, God's common grace brings some blessings to unbelieving people. Jesus tells us, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matt. 5:44), and since there is no restriction in the context simply pray to pray for their salvation, and since the command to pray for our persecutors is coupled with a command to love them, it seems reasonable to conclude that God intends to answer our prayers even for our persecutors with regard to many areas of life.
In spite of all of this, we must realize that common grace is different from saving grace. Common grace does not change the human heart or bring people to genuine repentance and faith - it cannot and does not save people.
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