How the various branches of government are addressing

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Reference no: EM132866968 , Length: 2

Question 1: Must have to do with a FEDERAL administrative agency, not local or state, and be about a current policy implementation issue within the last 40 years or so. Incorporate both your knowledge of history, and government- where students should focus on effects of stakeholder (federal government, citizens, interests, non-federal governmental agencies, NGOs, etc...) action on the effective administration of public policy. Additionally, students should expand on how the various branches of government are addressing these implementation deficit issues.

2 pages- double spaced

Reference no: EM132866968

Questions Cloud

Components of the hawthorne study : Describe how the components of the Hawthorne study are incorporated in current human resource functions.
What led to decay : What led to decay? That is, what was it about the old institutions that led to their failure? What were the new human needs that the old institutions?
Dynamics between dominant cultures and subcultures : Contrast the dynamics between dominant cultures and subcultures either in a work setting or in society.
Research electronic health records : The CIO approaches you and asks you to research electronic health records (EHRs).
How the various branches of government are addressing : Additionally, students should expand on how the various branches of government are addressing these implementation deficit issues.
Explain each step of the federal administration agency rule : Explain each step of the Federal Administration Agency rule making process. Please use bullet format to fully explain each step of the process.
Control and report the progress of project : There are a variety of tools and techniques used to monitor, control and report the progress of a project.
How is what occurred at the meeting similar than : Who are the Board/Council members? What were your pre expectations from the meeting (what did you expect to see prior to your watching)?
Strategic business analysis and action plan : A strategic business analysis and action plan for a company.


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