How the use of blockchain can provide benefits

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133150172

ITECH7413 Supply Chain Management


Write a research report of about 2400 words focusing on one of the following topics

1. How the use of Blockchain can provide benefits to the Supply Chain industry?

2. How catastrophic risks such as COVID-19 could impact the Supply Chain industry?

The report should be well researched and written in accordance with APA referencing style.


Form a group of 3 members. You can form a group by yourself. The following are the deliverables in this project:

1. Each group is expected to choose one of the above topics and write a research report of about 2400 words.

2. Each report should reference a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and online resources.

3. The final deliverable consists of a presentation (10 %) in week 10 and a research report (25 %) in week 11.

4. Presentation of your findings in this project would be of about 15-minute duration.

5. Every student is expected to submit a short report to their lecturer stating their contribution to their team. Lecturers reserve the right to reduce a student's mark if their contribution to their team is deemed insubstantial.

6. Each team is expected to present their report findings as part of the "Team Report Presentation" assessment task during week 10. You are reminded to read the "Plagiarism" section of the course description. Your essay should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words.

7. All reports must use the APA referencing style. University Referencing/Citation Style Guide:

The University has published a style guide to help students correctly reference and cite information they use in assignments (American Psychological Association (APA) citation style

8. Reports are to be presented in hard copy in size 12 Arial Font and double-spaced. Your report should include a list of references used in the essay and a bibliography of the wider reading you have done to familiarize yourself on the topic.

9. Report Submission: Hard-copy to tutors/lecturers assignment box in week11.Double- sided printing for the hard-copy is encouraged in order to save paper. Declaration should be done to declare how much (percentage) each of the team has contributed to the report.

10. A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment criteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their report is likely to be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessment criteria very carefully.

Purpose: The purpose of the oral presentation is to provide an opportunity for students to present the results of literature review and to share this knowledge while practicing their verbal communication skills

Project Details:
All members of the team are to work together to present their findings and recommendations developed whilst completing the analysis of the literature. The presentation should include a visual component, such as Power Point, to support the delivery of their findings.

? Presentations are to be between 10 to 15 minutes in length
? Each team member must present for at least for 5 minutes some of the findings from the report
? Teams must provide one visual component (e.g. Power Point) that is consistent in presentation, fonts and format
? Any references used in your presentation must be included at the end of the presentation in APA format (see below).
? The presentation mustinclude:
o An introduction of the topic and team members
o The findings made from the analysis of the data including images to support these findings
o The recommendations you will make in your report
o A conclusion

All references are to be provided using the APA format.

Attachment:- Supply Chain Management.rar

Reference no: EM133150172

Questions Cloud

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How much is the other comprehensive income : Re-measurements of the net defined benefit liability (asset) - loss (370,000) How much is the other comprehensive income
How the use of blockchain can provide benefits : How the use of Blockchain can provide benefits to the Supply Chain industry and How catastrophic risks such as COVID-19 could impact the Supply Chain industry
What amount should be reported as total retained earnings : During the current year, estimated tax payments of P300,000 were charged to prepaid taxes. What amount should be reported as total retained earnings
Management accounting and financial accounting : Discuss the difference Between management accounting and financial accounting.
What amount should be reported as net income : Unrealized loss on futures contract designated as a cash flow hedge 503,000. What amount should be reported as net income
Preexisting culture of organization : Discuss the ethical implications of a leader's role in the socialization of new hires into the preexisting culture of an organization.


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