How the unique characteristics of a videogame

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133436592 , Length: 2 pages

Assignment: Product Placement

Video-game maker Incredible Technologies Inc. has in recent years steadily expanded its corporate partnerships and product placements in its most popular game, the pub-based, Web-connected golfmg game Golden Tee Live. Players can purchase Top-Flite branded virtual golfing equipment and, as they work through the course, they spot Coca-Cola vending machines, billboards, and even groundhogs that pop up on the screen guzzling from a Coke can.

Brainstorm other possible product placement opportunities for the game and identify how they could be incorporated. Your answers should address specifically how the unique characteristics of a videogame, particularly one with a Web-linked console, support the product placement suggestions.

In a 1-2 page APA formatted paper, explain your brainstorming and answers to the questions above. Use two peer reviewed sources to support your thoughts.

Reference no: EM133436592

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6/4/2023 10:08:34 PM

Hello, appreciate the person doing this for me today. It’s due at midnight but it’s not a lot at all. It needs to be APA format with a couple of references. Thank You!

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