How the topic impacts business today

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706568

Presentations can consist of:

1) educating the class on how the topic impacts business today,

2) providing current examples of companies implementing the course topic,

3) leading the class in an activity designed to illustrate an important lesson with regard to your topic, and/or

4) showing examples of the topic impacting businesses in the news.

The goal of these presentations is to encourage class discussion. So, don't feel like you need to come into class with 30 minutes of talking points.

Rather, I would prefer that you come to class with some good background and then questions for the class to discuss pertaining to your topic.

Action Plan

Prepare a 30 minute PPT presentation with all team members speaking approximately the same amount of time.

Make sure that your presentation includes at least 1 exercise to perform, 1 current event to discuss or 1 current campaign to evaluate. You may consider having more to engage the class and generate discussion.

Provide a background for the discussion that includes at least 5 different legitimate sources of information.

Use all of your resources in the presentation and cite accordingly throughout the presentation (i.e. it works well to include the citation in a footer).

Include the bibliography as the last slide in the PPT.

Most of the topics are tools used in integrated marketing communications campaigns. Please be sure that your background addresses things like:

· Overview of the medium

· Considerations involved in using the medium

· Costs of using the medium

· Type of analytics the tool makes available to the marketer

· Pros and cons of using the medium

Once you have provided the class with the relevant background of your chosen medium, please try to present current examples of companies using that medium and/or current events articles discussing how that medium is impacting business today.

Engage the class in discussion surrounding your examples.

Reference no: EM131706568

Questions Cloud

State your primary target market segment : State your primary target market segment, and discuss three reasons for your selection. State your secondary target market segment.
What is its expected yield to maturity : The bond carries a 6 percent coupon rate with payments made annually. If purchased today and held to maturity, what is its expected yield to maturity?
Calculate the aluminum usage variance : Calculate the aluminum usage variance and calculate the flexible budget variance for aluminum - if the price variance is calculated at the time the aluminum
How the issue affects social work : How the issue affects social work? An explanation of how you want the legislator to respond to the issue (vote, create legislation, hold public hearings, etc.).
How the topic impacts business today : Educating the class on how the topic impacts business today,providing current examples of companies implementing the course topic.
Explain your definition of production operation management : Explain your definition of production operations management, including manufacturing and service operation. Assess implication of technology in your definition.
What are the intrinsic values and time premiums : What are the intrinsic values and time premiums paid for the following options?
Define the three major categories that influence the cbdp : Define the three major categories that influence the CBDP (situational, psychological and social influences).
Calculate the profit or loss at a level of production : Calculate the profit or loss at a level of production and sales per period when 100,000 and 120,000 units are employed.


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