Reference no: EM13704676
Essay topic is 'Routine immunizations in Nigeria: How the techies can help in mass immunizations and polio eradication' The paper has to be in APA style with bibliography.
The goal is to reduce the number of unimmunized children by attaining at least 87% sustained national immunization coverage in which no fewer than 90% of the LGAs reach at least 80% of infants with all scheduled routine antigens by 2015.
1. Guarantee 100% adequacy of bundled quality vaccines for safe immunizations at all times
2. Increase sub-national level (LGA and HFs) cold chain infrastructure functionality from 47% to 80% of EVM standards by end 2014
3. Ensure that 100% of wards fully implement the REW strategy by June 2014
4. Strengthen EPI related capacity of frontline workforce in at least 80% of the service points by 2015
5. Improve the quality of all components (recording, reporting, core output analysis, use of data to spur action, archiving, demographic information) of the RI monitoring system to a minimum of 80% as measured by DQS in the context of the NHMIS by 2015
6. Create demand for RI, moving beyond behavior change to social transformations by increasing awareness from less than 50% to 80% by 2015
7. Establish an RI accountability framework at all levels that is implemented by all stakeholders in January 2014 onwards
8. Support the roll out of new vaccines (Penta, PCV, Rota, HPV, Td, MRV) in all states from 2013 to 2015
9. Continuously integrate polio campaigns and other health interventions that strengthen the overall PHC system
10. Conduct research directed at identifying strategies to improve RI and health systems and evaluate impact of health programs
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