How the social environment has contributed to the challenges

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Reference no: EM133632903


In this course, you have explored the complex interplay of the social environment and aspects of biological, psychological, and social development from birth to adolescence. Of course, this interplay is never immediately apparent to a social worker when working with a new client. The social worker must gather information, via interview, to begin to understand and make sense of the client's unique situation.

Social workers use a biopsychosocial assessment (sometimes called biopsychosocial-spiritual) to collect and document specific information about the client's life and the factors that have shaped it. It is, at once, a summary of current issues and problems, a listing of past factors that may be relevant to the present situation, and a description of potential issues that may have an effect on the client in the future. The assessment provides a holistic picture of the client and is used to guide treatment and goal setting.

For this Homework, imagine yourself as Ray's social worker. Though you won't be interviewing him, you have learned a great deal about his story in videos throughout the course. Now, in this Homework, you apply that learning to identify, categorize, and record important information about Ray's development in a biopsychosocial assessment.

To Prepare:

Review the videos depicting Ray's case that have been provided throughout the course, as well as any notes you have taken on the videos thus far.


Using the template, submit a 5 to 7 pags biopsychosocial assessment focusing on Ray. The assessment should be written in professional language and cover the following sections:

1) Presenting issue (including referral source) Demographic information
2) Current living situation
3) Birth and developmental history
4) School and social relationships
5) Family members and relationships
6) Health and medical issues (including biological, psychological, and psychiatric functioning and substance use)
7) Spiritual and cultural development
8) Social, community, and recreational activities Client strengths, capacities, and resources

At the end of the document:

Include a summary and analysis of the overall challenges experienced by the client and how the social environment has contributed to those challenges. Describe how this analysis of the social environment would be beneficial to treatment and goal-setting.

Then, describe two goals that you can work on with this client based on the assessment. Explain why these goals are appropriate and relevant to the case in addressing the presenting issue and challenges.

Reference no: EM133632903

Questions Cloud

What is the effect on productivity and worker satisfaction : How does it use these principles and what is the effect on productivity and worker satisfaction? Is one approach more beneficial than the other?
How do you view your future role as a school counselor : Prepare a substantive response to the following: How do you view your future role as a school counselor around social emotional learning at a school site?
What measures might the researcher take to prevent : Provide an example of a way in which a researcher in counseling could find themselves. What measures might the researcher take to prevent this from happening?
Describe what personal and professional challenges you face : Describe what personal and professional challenges you might face in dealing with client crises and how you will implement effective self-care practices.
How the social environment has contributed to the challenges : Include a summary and analysis of the overall challenges experienced by the client and how the social environment has contributed to those challenges.
Describe insights you gained from the experience : Reflect on your experience in doing role-play. Describe insights you gained from the experience and explain how these insights affect your approach to practice.
Describe potential practice problem including background : Describe a potential practice problem including background, relevance, and significance
Cultural competency for behavioral health professionals : Think Cultural Health Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals and reflect on what you learn throughout the process.
Briefly summarize the content of the whole report : COIT11226 Systems Analysis, Central Queensland University - Develop the GUI design based on the use cases. You can be creative but only an indicative GUI


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