How the rule changed and what are things that changed

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13488598


Discuss the following in your essay (approximately 1500words )

What each of the above actually refers to and what it means.

What is your view, giving a rational explanation to your view (you may use other sources to support your view, properly referencing). Why do you think that these measures were introduced?


There are six points that is included from the bill

Discuss first three points what does it actually means? And discuss each points in each paragraph .As the first three points comes under pacific acceptance case, how did ASIC changed the rules of the audit and accounting. How the rule changed and what are the things that were changed and implemented now.

After that discuss 4th and 5th points what does it actually means? Discuss it in each paragraph. Talk about the AWA case and relate these points with AWA cases. How these things did came into effect in the auditing standard.

The last one is conclusion, your opinion on these five points.

Reference no: EM13488598

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