How the prototype will work

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Reference no: EM133676865 , Length: word count:500

Information Systems Capstone

Learning Outcome 1: Analyse relevant industry challenges to support the development of IS solutions for addressing specific organisational problems.

Learning Outcome 2: Produce the appropriate documentation aligned to the project delivery methodology to evidence project progress with project stakeholders.

Integrate professional and SMART skills to complete individual and team tasks in collaboration with team members to develop a robust solution that meets stakeholder needs.

Learning Outcome 3: Develop business solutions in collaboration with team members in response to client requirements.

Learning Outcome 4: Communicate progress and solutions to the client/representative and non-specialists and adjust according to feedback.

Assessment Task
In industry, teams use milestones to present the progress of their work to their clients, receive feedback and make the required updates. For the two milestones in this assessment, you will present your written progress and verbally update your facilitator about what your team has done and what you plan to do for the following milestones. Your team should incorporate feedback from each milestone presentation into your next assessment and thus demonstrate an ability to address feedback and meet client requirements.
Assessment 2 comprises two milestones in which you will record your progress and receive feedback, before the final submission of your report in Assessment 3.
It is important to refer back to your Assessment 1, Project Plan when completing Assessment 2 to ensure consistency with the information being presented and to set your team up for success for the cohesive final report of Assessment 3.

Task Instructions
To complete this assessment task, you must complete the two milestone assessments outlined in this document. In completing this assessment, you should:
Review your subject notes to establish the relevant area of investigation that applies to the case, and re-read any relevant readings for this subject;
Re-read the case organisation/client brief provided by your learning facilitator;
Review your subject notes from across the course to establish the relevant area of investigation that applies to the case. Re-read any relevant readings for this subject. Before you start writing, refer back to Assessment 1 in which you planned your approach to the assessments. MIS608 Agile Project Management and PROJ6000 Project Management may provide relevant information; and
Consider using graphical representation. The graphical representation of ideas and diagrams in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams and models is encouraged. These must be anchored in the context of the material and explained and justified if they are to be included. No executive summary is required.

PART A: Milestone 1-Client Report (Section A)
Write a 1,500-word client report outlining the scope of the project and the empathise and design elements of the design-thinking process.

Ensure you deliver the following in this milestone:
A client report (Section A);
An in-class presentation (one-on-one with your lecturer);
A project status report; and
Minutes of meetings and the presentation to your lecturer.
Client Report (Section A)
In developing Section A of your client report, you will draw on the empathise and define elements of the design-thinking methodology. The client report (Section A) should comprise the following:
A title page. State the subject code and subject name, assignment title, organisation's/client's name,
students' names, students' numbers and lecturer's name.

Introduction: This must include background information on the case study and client/organisation that has been provided to you. It should also state the purpose of the report and what you plan to deliver to your client/organisation (drawing on your Assessment 1, Project Plan). (150 words).
Scope: Clearly identify your project scope in relation to each of the following, the project:
goals and objectives;
assumptions; and
deliverables (importantly, ensure you include what will not be delivered). (200 words).
Stakeholders: Provide an updated overview of all key stakeholders who have been considered in the report to date, including their roles, level of impact and level of interest. In addition, provide a clear outline of the stakeholders that will need to be managed by the client/organisation should they choose to adopt your recommendations. (150 words).
Please include your stakeholder summary from the Assessment 1-Project Brief. Include any feedback provided in this version
Empathise: The first step in the Stanford Design-Thinking model is to ‘empathise'. In your report, you should demonstrate your ability to empathise with and articulate your client's/organisation's needs/requirements through the following:

Customer personas: Develop a minimum of two customer personas that are to be used as
the basis for determining the other elements of the ‘empathise' stage. (200 words).
Empathy maps. Complete an empathy map for each customer persona you have developed. This should include how/what the customer persona hears, thinks, says and sees in relation to the client/organisation. In addition, it should state their ‘pains' and gains'. (200 words).
Research. Conduct research into the customer personas you have developed and what their
‘needs' are in relation to the client's/organisation's product or service. (200 words).
Stakeholder requirements. Clearly define the stakeholder requirements using the MoSCoW. (250 words).
Define: As a team, define the way the customer personas currently interact with the
client's/organisation's product or service. This process will allow you to hone in on any gaps or pain points customers' may experience and in doing so, clearly define your problem statement.
Complete a customer journey map using the following framework: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion, Loyalty and Advocacy (200 words).
Problem Statement: A clear problem statement is imperative in meeting any
client's/organisation's needs and agreeing on the path forward in a project. Clearly articulate the problem statement that you will be solving in Milestone 2-Client Report (Section B). (100 words).
It is important to note that Milestone 1- Section A is to be included as an appendix in your Milestone 2-Section B Assessment. The completion of a comprehensive Milestone 1-Section A will be essential to your success in Milestone 2-Section B.
Client Report-Section A, Presentation
Each group will meet with the lecturer and present their ‘Client Report, Section A' for a maximum of five minutes. The lecturer will then provide feedback that is to be incorporated into Milestone B- Client Report, Section B and Assessment 3 (as appropriate).
All students must present the sections that they are responsible for producing.
Project Status Report
Each week, you have been producing and presenting a weekly project status report to your lecturer. For the status report in Module 3.2 (Week 6), you should provide your one-minute status report update before your ‘Client Report-Section A-Presentation'.
Your status report must be uploaded to the relevant blackboard discussion forum before the commencement of the class in which you are presenting.
Minutes of Client Report-Section A, Presentation
Each week, you have been producing meeting minutes following your status report presentation to your lecturer.
The meeting minutes for Module 3.2 (Week 6) should include the status report presentation and any feedback that you received on your ‘Client Report-Section A' presentation.

The meeting minutes should be uploaded to the relevant blackboard discussion forum at the end of class (Module 3.2, Week 6).

Part B: Milestone 2-Client Report (Section B)
Write a 750-word client report

Ensure you deliver the following in this Milestone:
The client report (Section B);
An in-class presentation (one-on-one with your lecturer);
A project status report;
Minutes of meetings with your lecturer; and
A client report (Section A) (updated to incorporate previous feedback).
Note: Your Client Report (Section B) will serve as a draft of your final project report that you will submit for Assessment 3. You must incorporate any feedback that you received for your client report (Section A) into this report.
Client Report (Section B)
In developing Section B of your client report, you will draw on the prototype, test and implement elements of the design-thinking methodology. The Client Report (Section B) should comprise the following:
A title page. State the subject code and subject name, assignment title, organisation's/client's name, students' names, students' numbers and lecturer's name.

A table of contents. This is mandatory for this assessment. You can create the table of contents using MS Word's auto-generator.

Client Report (Section A) is to be included in your assessment deliverable. Changes made to this section to reflect any feedback that you received should be highlighted. The transition in the client report (Section B) deliverables should be cohesive and demonstrate consistent use of language and style (1,500 words).
Ideate and Prototype. Using the problem statement you defined, develop a prototype solution that meets the needs of the customers you identified. Include:
An overview of the UX/UI elements to be considered in prototype development. (150 words);
The accessibility requirements. (100 words);
The cyber-security requirements/considerations. (100 words);
Wireframes or interface designs for how the prototype will work (and how customers will interact with it). (400 words or equivalent diagrams/mock-ups).

Project Status Report
Each week, you have been producing and presenting to your lecturer a weekly project status report. For the status report in Module 4.2 (Week 8), you should provide your one-minute status report update before your ‘Client Report-Section A, Presentation'.
Your status report must be uploaded to the relevant blackboard discussion forum before the commencement of the class in which you are presenting.

Minutes of Client Report-Section B, Presentation
Each week, you have been producing meeting minutes following your status report presentation to your lecturer.
The meeting minutes for Module 3.2 (Week 8) should include both the status report presentation and any feedback that you received for your ‘Client Report-Section A' presentation.
The meeting minutes should be uploaded to the relevant blackboard discussion forum at the end of class (Module 4.2, Week 8).

Format of the Report
The report should use 11-point Arial or Calibri font, be 1.5-line spaced for ease of reading and display page numbers at the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, attention should be given to pagination to avoid the loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Any diagrams must be appropriately captioned.

It is expected that you reference any lecture notes used and any additional sources in the relevant subject area based on your readings and further research. It is essential that you use appropriate APA style

Note: *Need only Wireframes or interface designs

for how the prototype will work (and how customers will interact with it). (400 words or equivalent diagrams/mock-ups).

Please create wireframes for Giverly to have seamless global information systems across the three locations.

Reference no: EM133676865

Questions Cloud

Discuss various stakeholders perspectives regarding topic : Describe the target population. Identify gaps in knowledge in the literature. Discuss various stakeholders' perspectives regarding the chosen topic.
Fill out the timeline below by annotating the events : Contextualization: Fill out the timeline below by annotating the events that are left blank. Explain what happened during that event.
Post the critical review of one scholarly article : Post the critical review of one scholarly article covering best practices that you found for executing or monitoring and controlling process groups.
What is the feature importance in decision tree regressor : What is the difference between Decision Tree Regressor and Decision Tree Classifier. What is the feature importance in Decision Tree Regressor?
How the prototype will work : How the prototype will work and create wireframes for Giverly to have seamless global information systems across the three locations
What is foreign policy-positives and negatives : What is foreign policy? Positives? Negatives? Explain this quote: "Imperialism is a progressive force for both the oppressors and oppressed."
Restructuring and reorganizing national indian brotherhood : First Nations chose to affirm their status as nations by restructuring and reorganizing the National Indian brotherhood
Describe the process to install set up and configure tool : Describe the process to install, set up, and configure the tool you selected above. Did you find the tool easy to use? Did you encounter challenges?
Explain differences between desktop and laptop architecture : Explain the differences between desktop and laptop architecture. What features are specific to laptops and laptop displays? Describe the evolution of laptops.



4/16/2024 12:11:29 AM

I need assignmnt help.please check all files.i need only mention part(400 words) also i have send you Assignmnt A part so based on that you need to make second part. i need diagrams in mention parts. only mention part please refer assignment Part A And do mention part 400 in part b

Write a Review

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