How the project should be broken down

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Reference no: EM133116419

Assignment Instructions:

PART A: Creating A WBS

Question 1: Create a list of project objectives & assumptions list. Make a list of assumptions that will be used as the basis for planning the wedding. And no, it is not acceptable to assume that Tony and Peggy Sue will just elope, no matter how tempting that may be!

Question 2: Develop a work breakdown structure.
» Step 1: Make a list of the specific activities that need to be done between now and the wedding day.
» Step 2: For each activity, identify the person (Tony, Peggy Sue, and so forth) who will be responsible for seeing that the activity is accomplished.
» Step 3: Start by breaking down the tasks into multiple tiers for this exercise.
» Consider how the project should be broken down based on what is "in- scope" and "out-of -scope".

3. WBS should show a minimum of (3) three tiers:
» Project Name - Top Tier
» Summary Tasks - 2nd Tier - minimum (4) four summary tasks
» Work Packages - 3rd Tier - min (2) work-packages per Summary Task

4. All Summary Tasks and Work Packages should be numbered:
» Example: Category might be numbered "1.0" and one of its sub-tasks might be numbered "1.1"

• Template for WBS Diagram:
» Replace the list with your own breakdown.
» You can submit both the outline and the diagram if needed; only the diagram is required.
» Some students use MS PowerPoint to create the WBS. Please feel free to use any tool that you're comfortable with.

How do you know you've done the WBS right?
To confirm you've build your WBS correctly, the following 6 characteristics that an activity must possess to be called a task:
1. Status/completion is measurable (an objective measure of task completion)
2. The activity is bounded( a clearly defined start and end date)
3. The activity has a deliverable (a visible sign that the activity is complete)
4. Time and cost are easily estimated
5. Activity duration is within acceptable limits (less than 2 calendar weeks)
6. Work assignments are independents

PART B: Creating a Gantt Chart
• Create a Gantt chart,
• Identify the critical path by highlighting it blue.
• Produced a report of the critical path.
• Submit both (1) WBS (2) Gantt Chart & Critical path report

Attachment:- Creating WBS and Gantt Chart.rar

Reference no: EM133116419

Questions Cloud

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