Reference no: EM132833327
Assignment: (513) Clinical Field Experience A: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: Each leader's approach to professional development is different. This field experience will provide you with one leader's perspective. You can use what you learn as a basis for developing professional development sessions as a school leader and for the second assignment in this topic. *Allocate at least 2 hours in the field to support this field experience.Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.
Interview the principal mentor or another instructional leader on the topic of professional development. Discuss the mentor's current role and how it relates to professional development, how the professional development program was developed, the incorporation of technology, the school's CIP, and how the mentor knows the PD goals are achieved. (I CHOSE BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENET: The Behavior Code by Jessica
Consider the following questions in your interview:
• What are the major functions and activities related to the responsibilities of developing teachers and staff through professional development? (PROVIDE LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITES & LIFE-LONG LEARNERS)
• What topics are present in the professional development program at your school? (RTI, Assessments, mental health)
• How were the topics in the professional development program determined? (by the Leadership Team & Surveys)
• How was the program developed, and who were the participants in the development process? Were any data points reviewed when developing the program? (Curriculum coach developed much of PD. Teir 1,2,3 data & RTI)
• How is technology incorporated into professional development sessions? (Tech also helps teachers stay engaged)
• How does professional development support the school's Continuous Improvement Plan?(Student-Centered Learn)
• How do you know if the professional development achieved its goals/outcomes? (Application, and Data Results)
• Ask at least two additional questions of your choice.
Incorporate PSEL Standards 6 and 7 into your reflection, along with any additional PSEL standards you choose, and describe how you will apply what you have learned to your future professional practice.