How the parent square app

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133595915

Example of investigation How Mobile Apps Have Impacted Industries in Business INTELLIGENCE.

Research for this matter will be how the Parent Square app has been effective in Boston schools

1. Why this investigation can help different communities and what strategies can be used.

2. Example of a scenario design

3. What are the parameters and variables in this research?

4. What will validation and verification look like, how will simulation models be verified that are accurate and adequately represent real-world processes?

Reference no: EM133595915

Questions Cloud

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Ethic as basis for scholarly endeavors : How did Harold Cruse define Democratic Ethnic Pluralism in the Article" The Integrationist: Ethic as a Basis for Scholarly Endeavors"?
History of man changing relationship to government : The history of western civilization is, in many ways, the history of man's changing relationship to government.
Bona fide loan evidenced by appropriate documentation : Assume the loan is a bona fide loan evidenced by appropriate documentation. Assume the loan remains outstanding throughout Year 1.
How the parent square app : Research for this matter will be how the Parent Square app has been effective in Boston schools
Case-the complex challenges of encouraging diversity : What do you think of the cultural diversity program in the San Lucas school district? Are the goals of this program reasonable?
What are three most-likely categories of products : What are three most-likely categories of products that are likely to face shortages during such a pandemic?
Explain the fishbone diagram : Explain (in writing only) how the fishbone diagram can be used by a team to resolve a situation where work delays are frequently occurring.
Discuss the functional-level strategies : As there is much competition in the consumer wearables marketspace, what should Fitbit do to separate itself in Functional-level Strategies.


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