Reference no: EM131034338
Assignment objective:
The term assignment is an opportunity to practice and apply the principles and knowledge gained in class, to design and develop specific system for Decision support system in an appropriate area, and to improve learning through experience, and to benefit from discussion and interactions with other class members as well as to support and assist managers in decision making using modern technology tools.
Case Study:
Mr. Hani is the owner for a large company for furniture such as (Seating, Workspaces, Tables, Storage, Bedroom) with different branches about (5) located in different locations and has different department, each branches has about 200 employees. For the last five years Mr. Hani facing many difficulties dealing with many issues such as communication and meetings, for instances, there is no network to recover data from the different branches. Once a month all managers must come down all way for general meeting which is time consuming and costly. At the same time the decisions cannot be taken fast from top management. Although the company current system is not yet being fully computerized not at all in a network and all departments keep records manually and at the end of the day they file it. The second point which was Mr. Hani also highlighted that the customers and providers from oversees cannot access the system from abroad to order or modification their orders or requests.
Based on the general situation of the company, Mr. Hani decided with his consultants group to hire a team of specialist' people in information systems to resolve the previously mentioned problems and develop a new system, and after reviewing the all the information regarding teams he decided that your team is the greatest team work for time being.
Based on the above case study, the company would like to design and develop a decision support system to support decision making and others activates.
In this assignment your mission as follow:
General Requirements:
1- Use Simon's model to explain the problem and your design proses.
2- A complete decision support system design with flow-charts, computer programs, data files, interfaces, etc.
3- A word-processed report describing the functions/characters of the decision support system with clarifying examples, evaluations and additional material (e.g., an implementation plan)
1) Design tools:
1- PC's or others tools
2- Use case diagram, it must have at least two important processes.
2) Requirement specification:
- User requirement:
In your new system focus on top management requirements and the end user requirements. You need a system which can be access from anywhere and separately by different function levels in organization.
3) System requirements:
- Functional requirements: you must classify how the new systems is supposed to do by defining functions and with high level logic.
- Design specification: in your design look and feel of the systems/interface is based and according to the requirements of the top management as well as client requirements
- Data flow diagrams and the data dictionaries is make the design look and feel meaning to the end user.