Reference no: EM132199141
Question: Once you have read the textbook content about the Ford Pinto case (pages 65-69 and 99-107) and watched the video entitled "Milton Friedman - The Value of Human Life Debate," please participate in this week's online discussion by researching a way in which a contemporary business, organization, government, or other entity assigns a monetary value to human life today. Having done so, please provide the following information:
1. The name of the entity or organization
2. The purpose of their assigning a monetary value to human life
3. The estimated monetary value
4. How this monetary value was calculated
5. Your thoughts on this entity or organization using this method for assigning a value to human life.
After making your initial post, please review your classmates' posts to identify an instance where your answer to number five would be different. For example, if you disagree with the organization you identified using a certain way of valuing human life, find a classmates' post where you would agree with the organization they identified using a certain means for valuing human life. Reply to the classmates' post comparing and contrasting the different ways that the two organizations go about valuing human life from a monetary perspective.