How the misuse of it can impact and influence a study

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131440418

Excellent discussion about the different types of bias, and how the misuse of it can impact and influence a study.In the health care data can come from various places to include public and private data collection systems including, including health survey by health plans, hospitals and clinics.

As a result the misreporting of data can occur and can present hindrance to individuals of any gender, ethnic groups, classes, and to society at large.Biased sampling tends to give off opinionated information which is not substantiated. What is interesting about sampling, avoiding questions that are bias in nature is a crucial step for every research.

While collecting data for research, there are a numerous ways by which researchers can introduce bias in the study based on the questions that is asked in a qualitative study.

A biased question influences respondents' answer during sampling. The way that researchers" ask a question can certainly bias a question. Questions have to be crafted that are not leading to ensure he or she is not influencing participant responses in the study.

A researcher must always remain neutral in the study; this is important. Here is an example of a leading question, a researcher may ask, some people think that monster drinks are bad for you, right? What do you think? Instead, a more valid question is: What is your opinion about monster drink? By keeping questions neutral, it reduces question bias.

This is why it is important for researchers to examine their study design (and questions) for this type of bias and find ways to adjust for it, and to acknowledge it in their study report so that everyone knows that it was addressed (and a concern) as part of the study. Nothing should be a surprise in a well-crafted study.

Reference no: EM131440418

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