How the media promotes latin women as sexual brand

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Reference no: EM13152422

The paragraph below is my thesis statement. I will write 3 paragraphs about how the media promotes Latin women as a sexual brand, The way Latin women dress the stereotype that follows for example: they dress sexy = easy. Another paragraph will discuss how Latin women are seen as a domestic tool and how Americans see them as the help. I just want to know if this thesis statement below is strong enough or can anyone make some changes. Thank You American Society’s Discrimination of Latin Women American society still perpetuates discrimination and oppression against Latin women. Furthermore, Latin women are threat as domestic help, stereotypes that are offensive. All of these promoted by the media who portraits them as a sexual brand. Ignorance and prejudice are the results of the Myth of the Latin women who are still being discriminated in today’s World.

Reference no: EM13152422

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