How the issue in general relates to larger societal problem

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Reference no: EM131614399

In this assessment, you will choose a case study and analyze an ethical dilemma within it, based on the application of ethical principles.

Think of this ethical analysis as a report you would make in a professional context.


Write a 6-8-page report in which you complete the following:

Create a title page: Write a title that reflects the purpose of your work. It is suggested that you use the APA Paper Template, linked in the Resources under the Suggested Resources heading, to format your paper according to the APA manual (sixth edition).

Write an introduction: For the introduction section of your paper, include the title at the top of the first page and begin your introduction two spaces beneath your title. (In APA format, the word Introduction is not used as a heading.) Briefly summarize:

The ethical issue in the case you have chosen.

How professional standards and other resources, in general terms, point toward solutions.

How the issue in general relates to larger societal problems.

Create a heading titled Applied Ethical Principles and Standards: Use the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct to assess which of them relate to the particular ethical issue in this case, and analyze how they do so.

Create a heading titled Alternative Solutions:

Brainstorm several alternatives for resolving the ethical dilemma in the case. Thoroughly analyze the possible ramifications for at least three alternatives. Then, choose a course of action.

Explain your chosen course of action and support it based on both ethical principles and current psychological research (within the past decade).

Create a heading titled Conclusion: Briefly summarize the importance of the problem and make a compelling appeal for implementation of your action plan.

Keep in mind that, while your writing must conform to APA standards, you must explain all information in a manner that can be easily understood by a nonacademic or nonscientific audience.

Refer to the Ethical Issue and Action Plan Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assessment.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is well organized and free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA style: Comply with current APA style and formatting.

Number of resources: A minimum of three academic resources.

Length: 6-8 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding cover page and references.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Maria, a 70-year-old Hispanic woman, lives with her daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter in a spacious home on the lake. She enjoys reading on the patio, walking along the river's edge, and taking her granddaughter to the park. She is fluent in Spanish, yet understands and speaks a little English.

Angel, Maria's daughter, has noticed some behavioral changes in her mom that are troublesome. Her mom fell while walking to the car before they left for the restaurant and she had fallen the week before when walking into living room. Sara, Maria's granddaughter, told her mom that she had to hold Grandma's hand and bring her home from the park because she forgot how to get home.

Angel called the doctor and scheduled an appointment for her mom. Once Maria learned her daughter was planning to take her to the doctor Friday, she was very upset because she hadn't been consulted first. Also, Maria didn't have any bothersome symptoms and decided there was no reason a doctor needed to see her. All she needed was more sleep.

Maria and Angel arrived at the doctor's office early Friday morning. The nurse brought them back to the examination room upon arrival as they were the first appointment of the day. Displeased, Maria allowed the nurse to take her weight, pulse, and blood pressure.

Once the nurse was finished, she left the room and the doctor came in. While asking Maria some questions, the doctor spoke slowly and loudly as if she couldn't hear. After the doctor learned that Maria's understanding and speaking of English was minimal, he talked to Angel the entire time and then ordered additional tests without Maria's consent. Maria was furious and wanted to go home.

Consider the individual, family, cultural beliefs and expectations, and ethical issues the individuals must think about as they interact with each other.

Reference no: EM131614399

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