How the imputation tax system works in australia

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM1379945 , Length: 1271 Words

Answer the following questions using APA format. Answer the questions in 750-1200 words and include charts and graphs as needed to help explain your position. Citation information within the body of the answer do not count on the word count as well as charts and tables. Be sure and have references as they are worth 15% of your examination grade. At least one outside reference in addition to the textbook is recommended to receive full credit. Do not use Wikipedia as a reference.

Include the question in the paper. The question may be single spaced. All references can be placed at the end of the examination; they are not required after each answer.

An Abstract is not required for this paper, but a Title Page is, as well as a separate Reference Page.

1- Briefly explain how the imputation tax system works in Australia by providing an example. Assume a 30% corporate tax rate and a 15% marginal tax rate for the investor.

2- Briefly explain how shareholders are taxed twice in the U.S. by providing an example.

3- Briefly describe an imputation tax system.

4- Briefly explain how shareholders' returns are taxed twice in the United States

5- Briefly describe how current tax laws favor capital gains.

6- Rightists argue that increasing a firm's dividend will increase its value. Review some of the key points in their assertion.

Reference no: EM1379945

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