How the image narrates its content

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Reference no: EM13561025

Many theorists of photography argue that the power and meaning of an image depend as much on what is not visible as what is. That is, there is "world" behind the image that we never see but which the image is evidence of and points to; a "whole invisible being and order" that makes the image possible.

In this assignment we will continue our reflections on images, suffering, war, politics and sympathy that our reading of Sontag's Regarding the Pain of Others initiated.

Explication of how the image is framed by and mobilized within an "aesthetic field" (i.e., what are the features of the photograph that show it to be designed and produced);

how the image narrates its content (i.e., what is the story that the image seems to tell and how does it tell it);

how the image "treats" its subject (i.e., is there a political or evaluative argument or viewpoint taking place or being constructed);

how the image produces sentiment and what that sentiment is; and reconstruct

what the "world" behind the image is/was/might be.

Reference no: EM13561025

Questions Cloud

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What is the frequency of the radar waves : A marine radar operates at a wavelength of 3.2cm and a powerof 7.0kW per pulse. what is the frequency of the radar waves
Evaluate the change in enthalpy for the chcl3 sample : Calculate the change in enthalpy for the CHCl3 sample and change in entropy for the CHCl3 sample. Finally, Calculate the change in entropy for the reserve and change entropy of the universe.
How the image narrates its content : Explication of how the image is framed by and mobilized within an "aesthetic field" - how the image narrates its content
Explain one mol of the compound at 325 k is cooled : One mol of this compound at 325 K is cooled at constant P to 275 K by contact with a large reserve at 275 K. The temperature of the reserve does not change.
How much thicker is the center than the edges : A total of 31 bright and 31 dark Newton's rings (not countingthe dark spot at the center) are observed when 550 nm light fallsnormally on a planoconvex lens resting on a flat glass surface. How much thicker is the center than the edges
Explain a one-mole sample of a monatomic perfect gas : A one-mole sample of a monatomic perfect gas with a constant pressure heat capacity of 20.85 J/(K mol) is initially at a pressure of 3.25 bar at 200 K. It undergoes an adiabatic reversible expansion until its pressure is 1.52 bar. Calculate: q, w,..
Evaluation dh for the reaction in kj : The final temperature was 52.0 C. Assume that the solution has a specific heat capacity of 4.184 J/(g K) and a density of 1.00 g/ml. Calculate dH for the following reaction in kJ.


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