Reference no: EM132650023 , Length: word count:10000
Research Question:
1) How the hotel guests can be classified by predicating their additional spending's?
2) Research on identifying the best performing hotels in a group of hotels based on their facilities and services?
3) Please add some more research questions related to this dataset, feel free to add or update or remove the attributes in the dataset to make the project more effective.
Use Weka tool to apply various algorithms, analysis should be performed on training and test data, compare their result and create a comparison table/matrix.
Use various algorithms using Weka and compare their result and draw a comparison table.
Use any other data analysis technics suitable for his data set.
Description for Question 1:
The research should be conducted on individual hotels in a group of hotels. The guests are classified based on their additional spending, there are two types of groups low spending and high spending. Low spending group consists of the guests who spends less than 100 ****** per day on additional services, High spending group consists of the guests who spend more than 100 ****** per day on additional spending and also to design decision support system to analyze the average spending of the guest
The Head office team will use this data to adapt promotions of specific goods and services to meet specific customer needs. This promotion strategy will help to increase the sales and revenue at the same time it will also improve the hotel image and customer satisfaction.
Description for Question 2:
Hotel occupancy, sales and the facilities are the important factors to identify the best performing hotel in a group of hotels by comparing their sales. An investigation should be done on this to find various input parameters to compare the sales. All the different additional sales such as bar sales, breakfast sales, and other income etc. will be investigated to find what makes the difference with the other hotels which are lacking of generating higher revenue. Weka tool also should be used to investigate with various algorithms and various classification algorithms should be used and compare their results.
This data will be used by the hotel receptionist to offer the guests various different services based on their additional spending's.
(Description for Question 3,4,5,6 - please add your research questions suitable to this dataset)
Decision support system is developed by basing on the results of the classifier algorithm and comparison between existing methodologies.
Project should have 10000 words and PPT.