Reference no: EM131714685
Cyberspace is a complex domain. For this week, be sure to address the differences between Cyber Network Defense, Cyber Network Exploitation and Cyber Network Attack. Additionally, address how the history of the cyber effort and cyber war impact our national security and national intelligence?
500 words
APA format
3 sources
Reading Material
· Demchak, Chris C. Studies in Security and International Affairs: Wars of Disruption and Resilience: Cybered Conflict, Power, and National Security. Athens, GA; The University of Georgia Press, 2011. (Chapter 1).
· Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA), "Cyber Intelligence: Setting the Landscape For An Emerging Discipline," INSA (2011).
· Masters, Jonathan, "Confronting the Cyber Threat," Council on Foreign Relations.
· U.S. Government. Government Accountability Office (GAO). A Briefing for the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives (July 29, 2011).
· Reveron, Derek S. Cyberspace and National Security: Threats, Opportunities, and Power in a Virtual World, Edited by Derek S. Reverson. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2012. (Chapter 1).
· Warner, Michael. "Cybersecurity: A Pre-History." Intelligence and National Security 27, No.5 (2012): 781-789.
· Zegart, Amy B. "September 11 and the Adaptation Failure of U.S. Intelligence Agencies." International Security 29, No. 4 (Spring 2005), pp. 78-111.