How the heart and blood vessels would try to compensate

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Reference no: EM133404319


Patient Xavier continues to experience chest pain, and shortness of breath and becomes increasingly agitated and restless. They are placed on 100% oxygen and the nitroglycerin drip is increased again with no effect. Their systolic pressure is now 40 millimeters of mercury. A breathing tube is inserted, and pace-making is provided. Their systolic pressure improves to 80 millimeters of mercury. The nitroglycerin drip is stopped due to their low blood pressure. Jugular venous distension is noted, and crackles are now present throughout the lung fields. Their urine output has also dwindled to nothing.


Cardiac output(CO)

Heart Rate (HR)

Mean arterial pressure (MAP)

Total peripheral Resistance (TPR)

Describe what has happened to these variables and how the heart and blood vessels would try to compensate.

Reference no: EM133404319

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