How the health informatics skills described

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Reference no: EM13982372


Compose a 4 to 5 page paper that focuses on how the changes occurring in healthcare will affect the HIM professional's career. The paper should address the topics studied throughout the term. During each Seminar the instructor will discuss how the unit topic applies to the RHIA exam and to your HIM career today and in the future. A number of AHIMA practice briefs and articles assigned throughout the term discuss the skills required today and in the future for an HIM professional to address changes such as the use of the personal health record, e-health, open source architecture, virtual doctors, and health information exchanges. Your textbook provides information about the changes occurring in healthcare.

This Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your sources should be cited according to APA formatting. The insights included should demonstrate an understanding of how the health informatics skills described in the AHIMA practice briefs and articles relate to the changes in healthcare discussed in your textbook.

Reference no: EM13982372

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How the health informatics skills described : How the changes occurring in healthcare will affect the HIM professional's career. The paper should address the topics studied throughout the term.
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