Reference no: EM132221023
Assignment 1: Recovery for Different Populations
As a criminal justice system employee, you will interact with people from different walks of life, because of such things as their ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, or sexual orientation. All people see the world through the lens of their own background and experience, and we cannot impose our own values and experience on the experience of others.
This assignment is designed to assist you to integrate cultural influences with your understanding of victims. Select a crime (i.e., rape, robbery, assault, etc.) and using scholarly sources for information identify how this type of crime can affect a victim, their family members, and other members of society keeping in mind any cultural variations.
Tasks: In a minimum of 300 words, respond to the following:
• Identify a victim of a specific crime with a background different from your own. Research at least three scholarly resources from the professional literature. The literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov). Report your findings regarding the definition of trauma and the resources used to heal from traumatic experiences.
• Discuss how it might impact their families based on their cultural background.
• Discuss how it might be perceived by society based on the victim's cultural background.
All written responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
How the given phenomenon has affected you
: Along the way there have been supporters and opposers of his views. However it is fair to say that each of us have experienced the impact of globalization.
Develop relational schemas
: List the course numbers, course names a student who is doing computer science major could enrol for.
What is the author main argument
: Then, for the article you choose to write on, you will type a 1200-1500 word response in which you address each of the following points in your own words.
Describe theoretical knowledge about psychological trauma
: Describe the theoretical and empirical knowledge about psychological trauma and the impact of victimization within this population.
How the given type of crime can affect a victim
: This assignment is designed to assist you to integrate cultural influences with your understanding of victims. Select a crime (i.e., rape, robbery, assault).
Illustrate the lack of intercultural communication
: Illustrate the lack of intercultural communication by clearly defining cultural patterns (theories, identity, and bias, for example) and communication devices.
What are the key messages in each media
: PRN101A – Can you sense an agenda from the various outlets? What are the differences and similarities, in the reporting of the story?
Describe your professional niche
: Compose a two (2) page APA paper. Title page and references not included in the page count. Describe your professional niche and a software tool specific.
Discuss both sides of an ethical debate for each
: Although demographic information on large numbers of consumers is used in many marketing contexts, some people believe that the sale of data on customers'.