Reference no: EM131307134
Learning Activities
Complete the "Stage 3 - Learning Plan" boxes on the template. Use the ideas you generated around complexity, relevance and application, collaboration and original creation to help determine effective activities that will lead students to successful completion of the assessments you have already outlined. Also ensure the activities you select are proven effective through research. Consider, too, how you can incorporate technology into your learning activities. A great extra resource to consider is:
If you want some ideas for learning activities and assessments that involve integrating technology, check out the following Web sites:
Wiggins & McTighe (2006) also explain that student learning is most effective when:
1. Work is focused on clear and worthy goals
2. Students understand the purpose of and rationale for the work
3. Models and exemplars are provided
4. Clear public criteria allow the students to monitor their progress accurately
5. There is limited fear and maximal incentive to try hard, take risks, and learn from mistakes without unfair penalty.
6. The ideas are concrete and real through activities linking students' experiences to the world beyond the classroom
7. There are many opportunities to self-assess and self-adjust based on feedback (p. 196).
In order to explain how the general characteristics of good design become woven into your own curriculum planning, Wiggins & McTighe (2006) offer us an acronym to highlight the key elements for instructional planning.
The assignment should be 4 pages.