How the expression is written in postfix notation

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13523777

1. Convert the decimal number -429.625 to its binary equivalent in IEEE single precision 32-bit format.

2. Convert the binary number 0100 0100 0000 0011 1101 0000 0000 0000 from IEEE single precision format to its decimal equivalent.

3. Describe the Floating Point Unit data stack.

4. Describe how the following expression is written in postfix notation

( 5x4)/(2x5) -7

5. Write a program that will input four real4 values from the keyboard and calculate and display the value of the following expression.

val5 =( (val2+val4)/( val1 - val2 )) + val4

6. Define the term stack frame and list the things it contains.

7. Describe the difference between passing arguments by value and passing them by reference and give an example of each.

8. List the steps required to use procedures that utilize parameters passed on the stack and local variables.

9. Write a procedure called CalcAv that accepts three DWORD values and returns the value of (three + the first number) minus (six + the second number) + (two times the sum of the three numbers) where three, six and two are local variables in the procedure. Show the contents of the stack frame after the procedure has put the local variable on the stack. Show what the calling program will do as it calls the procedure.

10. Describe the state of the stack at the point where the instruction mov eax, tebp+83 Is executed in the attached program.

11. What value will be displayed after return main.

12. Explain the operation of the stack as the program executes.

Reference no: EM13523777

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