How the essays relate to the cave metaphor

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Reference no: EM13970280

Reflection Paper

For your first reflection paper assignment. The length of the paper should be about 1,000 words, typed double-spaced, using 12 pt Times Roman font with 1" margins on every side. (Just keep your default margins.)

The four readings you will reflect on are as follows:

• Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"
• T. Eve's "The Cave"
• Prof. Roxie Ray's "Resident Alien"
• MLK's "Letter From Birmingham Jail"

Your paper will be a reflection on the readings you have done so far. but you are not simply going to provide a summary of each essay. Written from the "I" point of view, your reflection should discuss some of the following points:

• What your impression and reaction was to these essays
• What you learned (if anything) from the essays, and how you can relate them to your life.
• What we have said about the essays in class
• Whether the essays altered your existing viewpoint about an issue
• How the essays relate to the "Cave" metaphor that is the central theme of FYS.

Students must include quotes, facts and evidence from the readings to support their reflection points.

*** If you have a severe language issue, you MUST use the ARC to help you write this paper and you MUST have a tutor sign the draft and final paper before submitting it to me.

*** Look at link to "Rubric for Reflective Writing" in the "File" section of Canvas FYS.

Reference no: EM13970280

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