How the data was available to the miami police department

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Reference no: EM132419127

Assignment: Read the below scenario.

Uncle Bob is a resident of California. You and Uncle Bob went on vacation to Miami together. Uncle Bob was speeding while on vacation the police pulled him over. After some conversation with the police officer, Uncle Bob was handcuffed and arrested.

Bob has never been out of the state until now. He has no prior crimes in Florida or any state other than California. Miami Police Department knows his name, birth date, height, and weight. They also know the dates of his offenses, trial, and punishment. Why was Uncle Bob handcuffed and arrested? How did the Florida police officer know of his offenses in that happened in California?

Write a 700-1,050 word essay discussing how data is assessed and shared between local and federal governments and applying this to the provided scenario.

Consider how the data was available to the Miami Police Department.

• Analyze the information available to the Miami Police Department and the flow of information from California to Florida.

• Explain at least four ways that this information is shared between local and/or federal agencies.

• Summarize the results of your evaluation of what crimes Uncle Bob could be charged with and the ability of the police agency in Florida to obtain this information.

Your viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained. You essay should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.

The assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling).

The paper should be a continuous piece of writing that allows for your sustained viewpoint with logical order and organization. For example, three separate paragraphs answering the questions on different topics does not allow for this type of sustained development.

Two resources are required (course material is allowed).

Reference no: EM132419127

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