How the concepts we cover relate field of child development

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Reference no: EM133470932

Discussion Post

The Exploration Forums are chance to discuss specific topics related to this course. It is an opportunity to think about how the concepts we cover relate to you and the field of Child Development. It allows you to express your thoughts, expand your thinking, gain knowledge and perspective, share and view resources, and gather ideas about approaching the course assignments. Think of this as "practice time," where you ponder, apply, and make connections while earning points based solely on participation. You will be assigned a topic or topics to discuss. There are no length requirements for your posts. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your posts need to be your thoughts and your words. However, if you paraphrase (summarize or reword) information from a source, you must cite and reference your source in APA-style. While you will not be graded on APA-style formatting, these forums provide an opportunity to practice this important skill. Also, please provide a web link when referencing an online source. Please represent yourself honorably. Topic: There are several long-standing issues/debates in the field of Developmental Psychology. These include:

1) nature vs. nurture,
2) continuity vs. discontinuity, and
3) early vs. later experience.

Choose at least one of these debates to discuss.

Reference no: EM133470932

Questions Cloud

How the on-scene test compares to laboratory testing : Identify what types of evidence might be subjected to preliminary or field testing. Describe at least two types of testing that might be done on scene.
Write an explanation of your state department of education : Write An explanation of your state department of education requirements for obtaining and maintaining special education teacher licensure or certification.
Advice ranges from house chores to how to relate : Advice ranges from house chores to how to relate with other people, whether or not the daughter likes them. In that long sentence
Would you choose to conduct a correlational study : Would you choose to conduct a correlational study or an experimental study? In addition, would you choose a cross-sectional or a longitudinal design?
How the concepts we cover relate field of child development : Discuss specific topics related to this course. It is an opportunity to think about how the concepts we cover relate to you and the field of Child Development.
Define and evaluate both of these significant legal terms : Define and evaluate both of these significant legal terms, and utilize pertinent U.S. Supreme Court opinions to justify your answers.
What do you understand by the continuation page of a report : What do you understand by The Continuation Page of a Report? What are the major differences, if any, between the continuation page and follow-up report?
Distinguish between necessary and sufficient causes : Talking about cause and effect and with respect to nomothetic explanation, what are the three specific criteria or conditions for causality?
What is the current threat to the united states from : What is the current threat to the United States from either a biological or chemical weapon and why? What should the United States do to better prepare for


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