How the company you have selected forecasts its sales

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131037256

You are required to identify (and justify your choice of) a company that will be the subject of the Case Study.

The company may be your current or a previous employer, another company you have personal knowledge or experience of, or any other company about which you can obtain sufficient information from press sources, annual reports, websites etc. You are not expected to approach a company directly for assistance, though you can do this if you wish.

There are several elements that must be covered in this written report (Case Study):

1. A factual report on the company you have selected in which you should identify it's:
market sector

2. A critical appraisal of how its sales force/ sales resource is organised, and how it engages with its key customers

3. A critical appraisal of how the company you have selected forecasts its sales

4. You are required then to illustrate how the company you have selected implements its sales programme (with consideration to recruitment and selection; motivation of salespeople, rewards and incentives and its sales training approach) and, measures and evaluates the performance of its sales people to improve the value of the product or the service provided to this company's customers and why it chooses to do it in the way it does.

The focus of this written report (Case Study) is on the application of relevant theory and literature relating to the practice of the company you have selected for investigation. You must read widely around all the topics in the module.

You should briefly introduce the elements of theory that you are using.

You should then discuss the ways in which you can see the theoretical principles being applied (or ignored) in the company.

The written report (Case Study) should demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, the ability to select and discuss relevant literature and to apply knowledge of the International Sales Management topic.

The most important part of this assignment is that you critically appraise the extent to which the current models of good practice in Sales Management can be seen to contribute (or not) to the implementation and evaluation of your chosen company's sales programme.

Reference no: EM131037256

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