How the cited work relates to your explanation

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133466313


As you read the chapters assigned, you will find some concepts more interesting and applicable to your personal or work situation than others. Review the key terms listed in the assigned chapters; then, choose a key term that you wish to write on for your thread.

Include the exact key term you selected in your thread's subject line.

Thread (600 words minimum)

After you have successfully chosen the key term that interests you the most, research a minimum of 5 recent international business/management articles that relate to the concept on which you wish to focus your research. Articles must be found in reputable professional and/or scholarly journals and/or business/trade journals that deal with the content of the course (i.e., not blogs, Wikipedia, newspapers, etc.). After reading the articles, select the 1 article that you wish to discuss.

It is highly recommended that you use Liberty University's Jerry Falwell Library online resources. A link is provided in the Discussion Homework Resources. A librarian is available to assist you in all matters pertaining to conducting your research, including what constitutes a scholarly article.

Your thread must be placed in the Discussion textbox and adhere precisely to the following headings and format:

I. Key Term and Why You Are Interested in It (100 words minimum)

After reading the textbook, specifically state why you are interested in conducting further research on this key term (e.g., academic curiosity, application to a current issue related to employment, or any other professional rationale). Include a substantive reason, not simply a phrase.

II. Explanation of the Key Term (100 words minimum)

Provide a clear and concise overview of the essentials relevant to understanding this key term.

III. Major Article Summary (200 words minimum)

Using your own words, provide a clear and concise summary of the article, including the major points and conclusions.

IV. Discussion

In your own words, discuss each of the following points:

Question 1. How the cited work relates to your above explanation AND how it relates specifically to the content of the assigned module. This part of your thread provides evidence that you have extended your understanding of this key term beyond the textbook readings. (100 words minimum)

Question 2. How the cited work relates to the other 4 works you researched. This part of your thread provides evidence that you have refined your research key term to a coherent and specialized aspect of the key term, rather than a random selection of works on the key term. The idea here is to prove that you have focused your research and that all works cited are related in some manner to each other rather than simply a collection of the first 5 results from your Internet search. (100 words minimum)

V. References.

Reference no: EM133466313

Questions Cloud

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How do the activities of the company compare with : How do the activities of the company compare with the corporate social responsibility model--to make a profit, be legal, be ethical, be philanthropic?
Describe the traits and behaviors of effective leaders : Describe the traits and behaviors of effective leaders. Explain how you can search for and detect these traits and behaviors in hiring leadership talent.
How the cited work relates to your explanation : How the cited work relates to your above explanation AND how it relates specifically to the content of the assigned module.
Evaluating prior legal and ethical situations : evaluating prior legal and ethical situations that other human services professionals have experienced out in the field. In this assignment, you will have
Explain bank runs : Explain bank runs. Discuss the measures that the U.S. took to address the bank runs of the Great Depression, and the implications of those actions.
Integrity in sport information to participants : Provide integrity in sport information to participants. While providing the information check and clarify participant understanding.
Write a research stocks or bonds : Stock and bond mar-kets are alternatives - when the stock market turns down, move into bonds and viceversa - and


Write a Review

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