How the business was creative or used divergent thinking

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133624373

Problem: Find a real example of a business situation that demonstrates how the business was creative or used divergent thinking to come up with a creative solution to a business challenge or problem. Explain why you think this example fits the concept of creative and divergent thinking.

Reference no: EM133624373

Questions Cloud

What are common symptoms associated with medical condition : What are the common symptoms associated with the medical condition? What are the common findings during the nurse's examination or review of labs/diagnostics.
Compare and contrast jean piagets : Compare and contrast Jean Piagets and Lev Vygotsky's views about how best to educate children. How would parents act differently toward their child according
Contemporary psychological perspectives : Explain in detail how educational institutions and personal ideology affect the influence of contemporary psychological perspectives
What role do other people play in ones mastery : What role do other people play in one's mastery of each stage? Or do they play any role at all?
How the business was creative or used divergent thinking : Demonstrates how the business was creative or used divergent thinking to come up with a creative solution to a business challenge or problem.
Identify the similarities and differences in interventions : Identify the similarities and differences in interventions when it comes to children who are experiencing grief and a child whose parents are divorcing.
We are cognitively able to avoid egocentric thought : we are cognitively able to avoid egocentric thought (even if sometimes we don't), but that children are not cognitively capable of doing so
What tools will you use to analyze the data : For the metrics identified for your project, what tools will you use to analyze the data? How often will the data be analyzed? How will you identify trends?
Discuss how they interrelate to one another : Define each of the terms and discuss how they interrelate to one another: Stereotype, Prejudice, Discrimination Discuss at least 2 causes


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