How the business can improve its performance

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132359656

Write an essay about operation, logistics and supply chain management issues faced by the operations and supply chain manager(s) in the Jaguar Land rover Plc.

Instructions for assessment

Your summative assessment for this module takes the form of an essay in 2500 words, +/- 10%. This is an individual assignment. You must choose an organisation or business which is either an automotive company (manufacturing industry) or a hospital (service sector). It is the student's free choice which hospital or automotive company they choose. However, the hospital must be based in the UK, the automotive company needs to have a presence in the UK i.e. they are available in the UK. The You need to produce an essay elaborating on the key operation, logistics and supply chain management issues faced by the operations and supply chain manager(s) in this particular organisation / business.

You can collect data from resources like websites, books, journal articles and grey reports. Some case studies are available to help you collect required data. It makes sense to select a company where you work, have worked or know people who work there.

By focusing on the operational and supply chain issues, you should seek to identify and clarify how the operation functions and supports the market that it serves. What service delivery system (s) or manufacturing process (es) does it use? What infrastructure does it use to manage these delivery systems? And how, together, do these support the market (s) that it serves? A critical, detailed and relevant analysis should be made of the various components.

Based on your analysis, you are expected to make recommendations about how the business can improve its performance. Consider triple bottom line - described as the incorporation of economic, environmental and social factors as the three dimensions of sustainability in business practice - in your analysis.

As it might be impossible to analyse all the areas of operations, logistics and supply chain management, you

should also decide which area (s) to cover in your discussion. Therefore, choose two of the following areas in managing operations, logistics and supply chain.
• New product/ service development and process
• Managing quality
• Location and Layout
• Managing people in operation and supply chains
• Logistics mix: Channels, networks, transportation, managing inventory and capacity
• Managing business relationships in supply chains
• JIT, Lean and Agility

To conduct writing the essay, students need to read and refer to core text books and academic journals as well as source of their data collection (mentioned before).

Attachment:- READING LIST for Managing Operations.rar

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In this essay work, we have discussed on Jaguar Landrover Plc's operation, logistics and supply chain management issues faced by its managers and company. Jaguar Land rover Plc has established its market very well but current economic trends show that why company require new concepts of operation, logistics and supply chain management to resolve the issues.

Reference no: EM132359656

Questions Cloud

Key dimension in culture : Context is the key dimension in culture what strategy would you use to communicate as a manager to someone from a Japanese culture?
What is the inventory and sales revenue balance : Wildhorse's sales journal for January shows a total of $111,000 in the selling-price column, and its one-column purchases journal for January shows.
What is the most impacted when writing dissertation : What is the most impacted when writing dissertation?
What are the minor problems that affected the integration : Read the SHRM case study Integrating a Human Resource Information System and answer the presented questions to the best of your ability using the case study.
How the business can improve its performance : How the business can improve its performance. Consider triple bottom line - described as the incorporation of economic, environmental and social factors.
What is the year-end adjusted to the allowance for doubtful : Based on the review of collectability of the account balances in the prior to January 1, 2013 aging category, additional accounts totaling P60,000.
Discuss potential strengths of project management : In this module we learned about project management and various tools available to assist. Choose one PM tool and discuss how it could be used in HRIS.
Make a health and wellbeing program : What activities need to be performed to help make a health and wellbeing program?
Identify sociological concepts that affect field of study : Identify sociological concepts that affect one's own field of study. Identify resources to support project analysis from a sociological perspective.



8/23/2019 11:28:14 PM

Hi, I have to write an essay about operation, logistics and supply chain management issues faced by the operations and supply chain manager(s) in the Jaguar Land rover Plc.


8/23/2019 11:27:32 PM

Formative Assessment You should write down an essay plan (500 words) to introduce - selected business/ organisation - two selected areas of Operations and Supply Chain Management - theories and techniques that should be applied - potential areas of improvement which need to be reviewed critically Referencing You MUST use the Harvard System. The Harvard system is very easy to use once you become familiar with it.


8/23/2019 11:27:27 PM

The essay will be assessed according to the following criteria: Introduction (10%) Critical review of relevant Operation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management theories (30%) Analytic discussion with relevant and similar example(s) and applying appropriate solutions of Operations Management (30%) Conclusion and recommendation (20%) Clarity of writing, essay structure, correct referencing (10%)

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