How the building blocks of myth found in today culture

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Reference no: EM13981307

Myth in Today's Culture

Prepare three 7-10 minute mini-lessons/lectures on mythology. Each of your lessons/lectures should be about 500-750 words long (about 2 ½ to 3 ½ pages double spaced, Times 12 point font with 1-inch margins). This is not much time, so you will want to be concise, but conversational, as this is a presentation not an essay.

This lecture should do the following:

Demonstrate to your audience how the building blocks of myth, mythic themes or elements of myth can be found in today's culture.

1. Pick one contemporary movie, video game, book or other piece of entertainment from American culture and show your audience how mythic themes, building blocks or elements appear in it.

2. You may use images, clips or other multimedia elements in your presentation to illustrate your points.

For example, you might talk about the heroic theme in the original Star Wars series, show some pictures or a short clip from the films in your presentation, and discuss how Luke travels the hero's path.

Reference no: EM13981307

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