How the attempts of the mongols to invade japan in 1274

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133509165


1. What was the Joei Code of 1232?

2. Briefly describe the surprising reason how the attempts of the Mongols to invade Japan in 1274 and 1281 were stopped.

3. What were three reasons why the Kamakura Shogunate declined in the early 1300s?

4. Why was Nichiren Buddhism so outspoken?

5. In a few sentences, describe how Emperor Go-Daigo's revolt led to the fall of the Kamakura Shogunate and the establishment of the Ashikaga Shogunate. Again, don't just rely on my Lecture Notes - summarize it in your own way.

6. Why is this period called the Muromachi Period?

7. Describe the daimyo system. Describe both pros and cons of the system.

8. What led to Japan disintegrating into the Era of Warring States, and why was it called that?

9. What were 2 benefits of Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu restoring diplomatic relations with China?

10. Why was aristocratic and warrior culture able to merge during the Muromachi Period?

11. Describe 3 elements of Zen culture created during the Muromachi Period, and explain how they were related to Zen.

12. Why did Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa's financial policies fail? Explain in your own words.

13. What was the Onin War of 1467-1477? How did it negatively impact Japanese history and civilization?

14. Describe the importance of castles to the daimyo.

15. What were the Ikko-Ikki (Leagues of One Mind)?

16. Who were the first Europeans to land in Japan? What did they bring to Japan?

17. How was Christianity initially received by the people of Kyushu, and what made it successful there?

18. Who was Oda Nobunaga? Describe his personality. Why was his army so powerful?

19. What happened to the Ashikaga Shogunate in 1573? Who was responsible for dissolving it?

20. Who was responsible for the death of Oda Nobunaga - when did it happen, where, and why?

21. What is unique about Toyotomi Hideyoshi's roots that sets him apart from other samurai? How was he able to become a samurai?

22. What were Hideyoshi's 3 reforms of the 1590s? Describe them.

23. Discuss Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea of 1592-1598. Was it successful for the Japanese?

24. How did Hideyoshi try to guarantee power for his son Hideyori after his death in 1598?

25. What was the significance of the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600? Who was the victor?


Reference no: EM133509165

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