How technology has enhanced the critical-thinking skills use

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Reference no: EM132294611

Discussion :

Throughout this course you have been learning about critical thinking in criminal justice. You have completed simulations and explained how critical thinking applied to each. Technology is a great resource to use and helpful in solving crimes. In this last assignment you are asked to show the relationship between critical thinking and technology in criminal justice.

Select a criminal justice agency, and review the influence of technology on the agency.

Create an 8-10 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you:

Describe the use of technology within the agency you selected: for example, the use of computers, smartphones, and social media.

Evaluate how technology has enhanced the critical-thinking skills used by the agency.

Assess the advantages and disadvantages of using technology with creative thinking within criminal justice agencies in the 21st century.

Provide recommendations as to the use of technology to help the use of critical- and creative-thinking skills within the agency.

Include comprehensive speaker notes.

Format your speaker notes and any citations consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM132294611

Questions Cloud

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How technology has enhanced the critical-thinking skills use : Describe the use of technology within the agency you selected: for example, the use of computers, smartphones, and social media.
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Information technology-information system issues : Describe Porter's Value Chain tool role in Information Technology /Information System issues. How it is beneficial for IT?
Why statistical data should be used by criminal justice : Write a paper discussing how and why statistical data should be used by criminal justice leadership.
Determine the impact of the thesis of walker appeal : Determine the impact of the thesis of Walker's Appeal on the emigration and abolition movement. Next, decide whether or not you are convinced by his argument.


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