How tech is stealing our ability to focus

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133426832

Johann Hari - How Tech is Stealing Our Ability to Focus

Description: This is a proposal for the final essay. This article required an argument and research to support the argument. Your thesis must be appropriate for the scope of your final essay.

The proposal requires: Thesis

Abstract (words: 250-500)

Annotated Bibliography (FIVE academic sources)


Reference no: EM133426832

Questions Cloud

Relationship between law and politics in modern Canada : What do the events surrounding the trial of SNC-Lavalin tell us about the relationship between law and politics in modern Canada?
What ways does our education system shape our understanding : what ways does our education system shape our understanding of the world, and how can we improve it to promote global understanding and empathy?
Counter terrorism policies of european union : Compare and contrast the counterterrorism policies of the European Union and the United Nations with the DHS Strategic Goal:
What the district or state mandates : what the district or state mandates. outlining your initial thoughts on literacy assessment. What do you think this means? How do you anticipate your
How tech is stealing our ability to focus : This article required an argument and research to support the argument. Your thesis must be appropriate for the scope of your final essay
Offense differ from the traditional definition of crime : How does a strict liability offense differ from the traditional definition of crime? What are some examples of strict liability offenses?
Describe how you have made this differentiation : Identify either a short video or summary article that summarizes or highlights a community intervention (or an intervention in a community).
How does clytemnestra behave when facing death : How does Clytemnestra behave when facing death? Has her character changed in time since the events in "Agamemnon"?
Analyze the comment from plynyl19 when i was insomniac : analyze the comment from Plynyl19 "When I was insomniac, I was becoming really anxious at the time to go to sleep, cause I knew I wasn't gonna sleep and cry


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