Reference no: EM131221574
(1) Behavioral neuroscience (Biopsychology) is the study of behavior as it relates to our bodily processes and bodily functions. In your own words, explain why it is so important to study the biological basis of behavior ?
(2) Explain the three types of neurons. What features do neurons have in common with other cells in the body ?
(3) A. What are the major differences between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systems ?
B. Explain how the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work. Give an example of each.
(4) We learn that the brain is a muscle. How can one exercise the brain to meet its maximum potential ? Can you give some examples ?
(5) What are the differences between PET scans, MRI, and functional MRI ? How is each used and what kind of information is gathered from these scans.
(6) Why are the names Wernicke and Broca so important to the study of the brain ? What kind of information do we know from their studies ?
(7) What is biofeedback ? Do you feel that biofeedback can be an effective tool in the understanding and treatment of psychological disorders and emotional issues ? Explain why.
(8) Identify the following; Hypothalamus....Limbic system....brain lateralization....brain localization.
(9) Our text discusses 5 theories of why we dream and what we dream about. After reading the 5 theories which theory do you feel makes the most sense to you ? Explain why.