How supply chain management can impact an organization

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133403493


You learned a lot about how operations and supply chain management (OSCM) can impact an organization. Working in tandem, OSCM is the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create deliver the organization's primary products and services. In addition to OSCM, you explored various human resource roles, and the impact technology has on an organization.

Share the strategic audit company's operations and supply chain management. Also, address the following prompts:

  • Describe the products or services and their manufacturing facilities.
  • Discuss its logistics set-up and how its goods and services are transported and supplied to the customer.

Walmart is the company

Reference no: EM133403493

Questions Cloud

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What measures for succession planning are already in place : What measures for succession planning are already in place, How did your family deal with the challenges of succession planning.
Define the role in implementing strategic renewal : People Alignment: Define people alignment and its role in implementing strategic renewal and organizational change.
Explain ways racism affects the vulnerability of racial : Explain at least three ways that racism affects the vulnerability of racial and ethnic minorities to hazards.
How supply chain management can impact an organization : Working in tandem, OSCM is the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create deliver the organization's primary products and services.
Why is capacity planning strategically important in business : Why is capacity planning strategically important in businesses, manufacturing?
What is diversity : What is diversity? What are the advantages of diversity?
Does not have to be only on florida coastlines : You pick the issue on problems affecting the oceans. Does not have to be only on Florida's coastlines. Identify counterarguments or counterclaims.
Describe a hypothetical situation where you have created : Describe a hypothetical situation where you have created a potential behavior management plan for an individual but you have some concerns about the clients


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