Reference no: EM131158322
Individual Project 500- 750 words
Diversity Training Manual: Part I
As the new human resources manager, you are now ready to complete the next section of a diversity training manual that is targeted at making your workforce supervisors more aware of current racial diversity issues (e.g., the dramatic increase in the Hispanic percentage of the workforce) and how the supervisors should address them. The goal is to reduce potential tensions in the workplace among employees of different races.
Part I is to be titled, Historical Issues of Different Races in the Workplace and How to Handle Them.
This section should discuss the following:
· Different races now or likely to be in the workforce of the future, based on the U.S. populations racial demographic changes
· Particular issues that create tensions among the different groups
· How supervisors need to address these issues that could potentially cause ten
Reading Assignment: Kossek & Lobel chapters3,6,15.
Discussion Board 150-250 words
As the manager of human resources (HR) in a medium-size company that is involved with several Affirmative Action initiatives, you have noticed that the racial makeup of your workforce has an increasing number of multiracial employees (or workers who are the offspring of a biracial couple). You are wondering how these employees should be counted in any kind of attempt to implement Affirmative Action.
In other words, if future hiring is meant to make the workforce relatively proportionate to the population's racial mix, should workers who are, for example, offspring of an African-American mother and a Caucasian father be counted as White, African-American, or neither? Explain your answer.
Discuss the following information:
· The trend being seen in the general population in terms of people who could be characterized as biracial.
· Study the following table and comment on the views of multiracial people regarding Affirmative Action found
Interviewees' Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action
View on Affirmative Action
Pro-AA and in favor of biracial persons qualifying
Mixed feelings about AA but believe all biracial persons should qualify
Pro-AA but unsure whether or not biracial persons who appear white should qualify
Pro-AA but believe biracial persons who appear white should not qualify
Opposed to AA but believe biracial persons should qualify as long as it exists
(Korgen, 1999)
How do you think biracial people should be counted in terms of Affirmative Action initiatives? Explain your answer from an objective perspective. This should be the main focus in your discussion.
Korgen, K. O. (1999). From black to biracial: Transforming racial identity among Americans. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood.
Research an outside journal article
: Students are required to research an outside journal article (must be peer-reviewed) on the topic of IMC. This article must be a minimum of 20 pages in length and published within the past five (
Calculate the gross and net calorific values of the gas
: Using the data given in Appendix C (available online at booksite, calculate the gross and net calorific values of the gas. Give your answer in MJ/m3 , at standard temperature and pressure.
What is the company mission statement
: What is the company's mission statement? What is the company's vision statement? What role do these have on the way the business operates? Do the company's actions seem to align to their vision and mission statements?
Respond to the following request for quotations
: The supplier must be able to meet the following requirements:- Supply popcorn kernels that pop to a clean white color.- 2. Supply popcorn that produces fewer than 1% "old maids".
How supervisors need to address these issues
: How do you think biracial people should be counted in terms of Affirmative Action initiatives? Explain your answer from an objective perspective. This should be the main focus in your discussion.
Areas for growth and strategic advantage
: Description of the industry and identification of areas for growth and strategic advantage A. The global structure and environment of the selected industry.
Briefly identify the major problems facing the manager
: Write the Executive Summary - One to two paragraphs in length, On cover page of the report and Briefly identify the major problems facing the manager/key person
Tweaking the data
: From the information in the text you probably have a good idea that data can be manipulated to further the interests of stakeholders. We also utilize data gathered from different, but somewhat related populations
Organization-centers for disease control
: Conduct an evaluation of the organization based on strategic planning analysis, which includes the strengths and/or weaknesses that are internal to the organization and opportunities and/or threats external to the organization.