How successfully has the student applied the ideas

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Reference no: EM133549501 , Length: word count:1500

Assessment Task: Analytical exercise


'The corporation has an inherently alienating effect upon humans. That is to say, dominance by corporations has deprived humans of their capacity to act in accordance with their own inclinations. The production and purchasing of commodities, wage labour... these prevent humans from experiencing the dignity of mutually-supportive social relations, and compel humans to play a ‘thing-like' role. This alienating effect is proven by the responses of human groups and individuals to the dehumanising effects of the corporation. Satan worship, destruction, spirit possession, hysteria, sabotage, excess...these are not aberrations, but are the inevitable consequences of the corporation's domination of humans.'

Students are to write a critical evaluation of this paragraph.

1. Students must assert a position in relation to the statement (i.e. is it true, false, accurate, partially true, misleading etc). Note: there is no correct answer - it is your analysis and argumentation that matter!

2. The piece must set out the case in favour of/against the statement, drawing upon our course readings in modules 1 and 2 (key readings are of course found in module 2). This part is to be 1000 words in length, and will consist of analytical summaries of the relevant readings.

3. The student must justify their evaluation by referring to their own experience of corporations (500 words). This part does not require extra research, but must draw on personal experiences, as well as the ideas and language used in the module 2 readings.

4. Students must not consult readings outside of the compulsory readings. Reference to the compulsory readings must be properly provided with citations. A reference list is required.

Has the student taken a position (as required by the instructions) and supported that position with knowledgeable and convincing use of key concepts explicit and implicit in the statement?
How well has the student used the scientific language and concepts of the readings?
How successfully has the student applied the ideas of the readings to their own experience of the corporation?
Has the student given adequate attention to the possibilities implicit in the task?
Is the evaluation presented effectively and in a readable style and form? Are references effectively used and properly cited?

Word limit: 1500 words (+/- 5%, not including reference list)

Reference no: EM133549501

Questions Cloud

Culturally responsive learning school environment : What creates a positive, supportive, inclusive and culturally responsive learning school environment that promotes social and emotional learning?
Straightforward one-sentence assertion : Your conclusion must be a straightforward one-sentence assertion.
What are political-economic and social rights and obligation : What are political, economic, and social rights and obligations? How would they be created and protected using the ideas of Social Contract theory?
Pick one conspiracy theory : Pick ONE conspiracy theory (other than those outlined in the book and the Flat Earth Conspiracy) and briefly explain it.
How successfully has the student applied the ideas : How successfully has the student applied the ideas of the readings to their own experience of the corporation - How well has the student used the scientific
About aesthetics-epistemology or philosophy of science : Select a philosopher who has a theory about aesthetics, epistemology, or philosophy of science and write a brief overview of them and their theory.
Organizational culture and leadership : Organizational Culture and Leadership, the author explains "The Three Levels of Culture" within organizations.
How do you think diversity has influenced humanities : How do you think diversity has influenced the humanities? What do you see as the main contribution of diverse cultures to creative expression in the humanities?
How do we get the attention of state : How do we get the attention of state and potentially national MPs within Australia to listen to our campaign/advocacy?


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